Magnesium Citrate

Well, here is the update. It will definitely work if you are backed up, not so much if you aren’t. I would take it at bedtime, I took mine around 6pm and woke up at night going and in the morning. I would advise you to have nothing to do the next day. But it definitely works. My stomach was doing some weird things and a lot of times…nevermind, lol. But it works and I am not bloated, gassy and down another 2lbs.

It’s Okay to Fall…

Today is May 27th and I weighed in at 256lbs. That is 54 pounds overall. These last few weeks I started a workout DVD and stopped (not consistent at all) poor planning led to poor eating and I had a few binge days. I kicked myself and then I got my whole life back together. If I did not then what would be different than the many times I have tried and failed before? Besides, people are looking up to me. I have had so many compliments on my weight loss progression and they want to know how I did it. The whole premise of this “thing” is to encourage my past and present self and others like me that need to know we can do it.

So if you fail, have a bad day or a bad week, do not give up. Keep pushing. Every day is a new day to get it right, to do better than you did the day before. It is okay to fall, but you have to get back up.

So with the lack of progress my bowels have been a little irregular (TMI but you will thank me later). So I was advised by my nurse friend to take Magnesium Citrate and then I could start the Psyllium Husks or Metamucil. This will flush me out and keep me regular. Oh, and did I mention that scale is the Devil?

“Every day is a new day to get it right.”

Measurements (late post)

Here are my measurements from December 2015-May 2016 just so I can start documenting:

Date 12/20/2015 05/04/2016 05/11/2016
Neck 16” 15.5” 15”
Arms 17.5” 16.4” 15.7”
Chest 49” 45.4” 43.6”
Stomach 51” 44.2” 44.1”
Waist 51” 40.6” 42.3”
Hips 56” 51” 50.4”
Thighs 31” 29.5” 27.5”
Calf n/a 18.3” 18.3”
Weight 306 262 260

Cize It Up

So today marks one week since I have been using Cize, Shaun T’s workout DVD. And I lost two pounds as of last Thursday. The workouts are dances last less than 40 minutes. Not bad, I am normally on the treadmill for an hour but with this dvd I sweat more and I am still losing. I think this week, I will incorporate at least 30 minutes on the treadmill to see how that works out. My eating has not been too bad, but it has not been that great either. So I am going to commit to the Cize workouts which is Mon-Sat; 30 minutes on the treadmill Mon-Fri and eating right. I am going to use MyFitnessPal and stay at 1200 calories. I will weigh in on Friday and we will see how that works. Pray for me, lol.cize

Journal Entry Flashback

Ok here is the journal entry that I wrote in December. I decided to publish because like myself I am sure many of you had these same thoughts, or similar. This is my attempt at being transparent so here goes:


I’m officially THAT FAT GIRL. The girl who wears the ill-fitting clothes, no makeup, hair never done…a complete mess. I looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize myself. Where did I go? I don’t even remember when/how I started to let myself go. 3 kids later and I am tipping the scale at a whopping 306 lbs. I’m either gon’ die from a heart attack or depression but something has to change. My husband blessed me to stay home and keep the kids in daycare. He will be home in about  90 days. And I want him to fall in love all over again. I could get down realistically to 250 by the time he comes home. I just gotta get a game plan. I ordered a cleanse that should jumpstart this mission: SNATCHED, lol.

  1. detox
  2. sienna tea
  3. water
  4. multivitamins

I can commit to walking and drinking water. I need to consume 1598 calories and workout to lose  2 lbs/wk.

I also ordered belly beads to track my weight loss. That will be in next month. I have 3 active boys, I also need to look good for myself

and a sexy ass husband. I can’t afford to stay fat.


*a lot of rambling but this is how I wrote it. Needless to say despite feeling this way, I did not get serious until the beginning of February.  Oh, and I was about 264 when he came home, not too bad huh?

Check In

Okay, so as of 5/6/16 I weighed in at 262 pounds. A 2lb loss, not much but hey I am working. I also took some measurements and I found an old journal with measurements from December when I stated I was 306 then. So here are the comparisons and my next entry will be the journal entry, it was so REAL. Also I started my first week of Cize and I am definitely feeling it. Ok, here are the measurements:

12/20/15 @ 306lbs 05/06/16 @ 262lbs
Neck 16 16.5
Arm 17.5 16.4
Chest 49 45.4
Stomach 51 44.2
Waist 51 40.6
Hips 56 51
Thigh 31 29.5


Let’s Get Started

I have not been overweight my whole life but between being less active multiple children and live stressors coupled with poor eating habits I have gain more than 100+ pounds in the last few years. I do not really remember when or how but around 2005 I was like 224. The beginning of 2016 I was at my largest, 310 pounds. Oh, I had gained weight long before the babies came.

Anyway, I decided that I wanted to do something sexy for my husband and I recorded a strip tease for him. I decided to play it back just to kind of see what it looked like and…WOW (not in a good way either). At that point I really saw myself and decided that I wanted to make a change.

For the last three months I have been walking on my treadmill and drinking more water (1/2 my body weight in ounces). I have lost 46 pounds. No lie, no gimmicks, nothing hard, nothing fancy. But I did that, lol. Right now I am at a plateau so I need to do something different.

So I decided that I would challenge myself and document my journey. Hopefully along the way I can encourage and inspire others as well. I plan to do weekly weigh ins, measurements and pictures and prayerfully we can get this thing right together.

Be patient with me, be kind. I am being as transparent as possible. I may fall and I may stumble but my goal is to keep pushing.

Please share and let’s get to work!!!